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Administrative State Delenda Est?

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What just happened with the elections in France? Here’s our analysis.

We interviewed Avik Roy of the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity on what it’s like to start your own think tank.

Our analysis of last week’s Biden Executive Order on the border.

#AdministrativeStateImportant WSJ op-ed by Leader McConnell: “Democrats like to say that “democracy is at stake” in November. That may be true, but not in the way they think. Across all three branches of the federal government, liberals are working to undermine democratic accountability over their exercise of power. Their philosophy of the administrative state has one unifying thread: the abrogation of democratic legitimacy in deference to unelected bureaucrats.” Hard to disagree.

#DEI #SocialIssues – Speaking of administrative state overreach… “On May 22, 2024, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) filed its first lawsuit in 45 years,” writes EPPC’s Rachel N. Morrison. Why? “The PWFA filled a gap in employment law: It requires employers to provide ‘reasonable accommodations’ for the ‘known limitations’ related to an employee’s ‘pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions’ unless it poses an ‘undue hardship’ on the employer’s business. The ‘pro-mother, pro-baby’ Act passed with bipartisan support and the USCCB’s blessing. Congress directed the EEOC to issue a rule implementing the act. However, the EEOC’s PWFA rule, which goes into effect on June 18, turned the act on its head. The EEOC broadly defined ‘pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions’ to include abortion and other nonmedical conditions such as the use of contraception and fertility treatments, including IVF. Under the PFWA rule, employers are mandated to accommodate their employees’ abortions, contraception use, and fertility treatments.” Hard to say what is more galling here, the Orwellian inversion of language or the way the left will use absolutely every opportunity in the administrative state to push their social agenda, regardless of law or Constitution.

#CostOfLiving – At a time when the ratio between young people’s incomes and real estate prices is bigger than it has been in living memory, AEI looks at the state of the first-time homebuyer.

#PublicHealth #Agriculture – Brownstone Institute looks at which institutions are, as they put it, “the enemies of food freedom

#AI – R Street has a big report out on the impact of AI on elections.

#History – Today is President George H.W. Bush’s 100th birthday. The WSJ commemorates the great statesman.

#FamilyPolicy Important note from Jason S. Carroll at the Institute for Family Studies on the importance of fathers to healthy education.

#CultureIn our interview on how to kickstart American innovation, AEI’s Jim Pethokoukis named as his “most important issue nobody talks about” the fact that Hollywood and other cultural tastemakers produce so much pessimistic sci-fi, leading us to be less future-oriented. Well, he’s found an exception.

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