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The Science Is Fake And The Babies Are Gone – PolicySphere Morning Briefing – May 23, 2024

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#FakeScience – The number of medical articles using the phrase “delving into” has skyrocketed since last year. The only plausible explanation, it seems, is that most of those articles are written by ChatGPT, which likes that term.

#FakeScience – Another indicator of fake science: a clever study looks at cancer cell lines that are published with a typo in the name–and looks at whether subsequent studies were published claiming to experiment and have results on these nonexistent cell lines. The answer is: there are hundreds of them! Mostly, but not only, from Chinese researchers. Apparently, it’s an open secret that fake studies are particularly present in the field of cancer research. Surely this can have no negative consequences whatsoever, and taxpayers paying for this research are getting value for their money.

#Immigration #FakeScienceA university board in Sweden is suppressing research on immigrant income, reports Garrett Jones at City Journal.

#BirthDearth – The inestimable X dot com account @MoreBirth has a thread detailing the terrifying numbers we’re seeing on birth rates.

#Natalism #FrenchSupremacy – That being said, is there a silver lining? A big study by Lyman Stone and Erin Wingerter at the Institute of Family Studies looks at a rare success story of pro-family and natalist policy: France. “Pronatalism has worked where it has been seriously undertaken, and sources of demographic underperformance are readily identifiable in many countries,” the authors write.

#ArchitectureNice catch from Rep. Jim Banks: “H.R. 6317 is coming to the House floor tomorrow. It would block President Trump from instantly reimplementing his architecture executive order in his second term.” Is this important? In a way, no, but in another way, it highlights that the differences between right and left increasingly go deeper than different views on economic policy or the role of government, they are all-encompassing worldviews, which come with strong tastes on–for example–public architecture.

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